1st August 2019

Sky Journey

It had seemed like and ordinary boat trip to Sam as they made their way across the calm waters of the lake. He had become slightly concerned when they seemed to be picking up speed considerably, causing waves to crash into the shore. The engine coughed, spluttered and groaned before letting out an almighty roar before sending it able the water.

Soon after, Sam could not believe his eyes as they plunged through the fluffy, white clouds. Confused seagulls whizzed past his head, and they had almost collided with a jumbo jet full of passengers on their way to getting a suntan in Spain.

Sam felt exhilarated, but he had a sneaky feeling things were about to get even more exciting.

The clouds were as fluffy as marshmallows, the boat felt like it was bouncing around from cloud to cloud as if it was on a trampoline. Sam realised that they were the sky was like a ‘highway’ with so many planes passing by.

As we reached the top of the clouds the sun greeted everyone hello. Although this happened Sam could see storm clouds gathering in the distance, the clouds look dreary and angry ready to unleash something powerful.

The ride got worse and worse, the boat started to have turbulence, suddenly we spiraled downwards very fast.

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